The world is full of psychics, healers, Reiki Masters, and other somewhat non-traditional helpers. The person who is seeking help or guidance from a source outside the traditional medical-therapeutic environment has many choices. So, why choose this approach?


Full Liminal Reiki and Guidance sessions are designed to help a person through a specific trauma or life transition, or sometimes a series of transitions—we’ve all heard the expression “feast or famine”, and it sometimes seems that the bottom drops out of everything at once. 


Often it is not the ending itself that is a problem; the ending might be a relief, or at least a known outcome, even if it is unpleasant. The difficulty is in dealing with the unknown factors: when something ends, what’s next? We may not have clarity about a new situation; if we’ve lost a job, we may not know when we’ll get another one, and what it will be like—or if we should be trying to do the same thing we did before. If we’ve ended a relationship, we may wonder about our next one. But we have a hard time being “in the gap”, holding that space between what has ended, and what has yet to begin. That is where this approach is helpful. 


Who Am I?


Your first question is probably, “why you?” What makes me qualified to help with your situation? 


At the education-credential level—I have a Bachelor’s Degree in a Religion, a Master’s Degree in Religion and Psychology, as well as another in Library Science, and a Doctorate in Literary Studies that focused on ancient religion and myth, and how our changing perceptions of life after death have affected our ability to deal with loss and change. I have also been a Reiki Master Teacher since 2001. Most of my Reiki practice before this was on a volunteer level, working with cancer patients in the Atlantic Health System, and also doing private sessions for family and friends with physical or emotional crises. 


In terms of spirituality—I started life as a Catholic, and have gravitated toward more esoteric religions like Wicca and Thelema. However, my religious practice centers around Hinduism, with a Tantric philosophy. Many people associate Tantra with sex rituals; however, that is not my focus. Tantra simply means living a spiritual life in the world; there is no need to renounce the world to be spiritual. We should enjoy life and live it fully. 


I have also spent a lifetime dealing with loss and transition: I’ve lost all my known grandparents, both of my brothers ( one who was only 22 and suffering from AIDS complications at a time when AIDS patients were treated as less than human), and several aunts, uncles, and cousins. I have gone through my own marriage and divorce, and experienced the whole gamut of high and low feelings that come from starting and ending relationships. I’ve watched other people that I care about also go through some horrific lows—the deaths of their siblings, learning to live with serious diseases, chronic anxiety, or suffering sudden and catastrophic financial losses. And I’ve had some traumas and breakdowns of my own, which have required a lot of time and healing energy for recovery. In short—I know what helps and what doesn’t help when dealing with the unknown. 


I have always been amazed at how many people have turned to me for help through their traumas, and if I say this to them, I always get some variant of the same response: “You’re a very strong person, and you have your life together.” They see someone who will listen to them empathetically, but who will also offer practical advice without pushing it on them. The reality is that I DON’T always have my life together, no matter how things appear, and it’s this ability to maneuver my way through the unknown and unpredictable that appeals to people, and helps them through their own issues. 


What is Involved?


What does a full Liminal Reiki session entail? It often depends on the issue, but here are some of the core components:


Astrological readings, both Western (Tropical) and Vedic (Indian, or Sidereal) to see what kind of influences are present in the chart. This is only an overview reading, not an in-depth analysis; I generally focus on the areas of the chart that are relevant to the person’s issue.


Tarot and Oracle readings: Tarot is my main tool for readings, but I also use a number of other systems, including Cartouche (an Egyptian card system with 25 cards), the Norse Runes, the I Ching, Taoist cards, and other similar systems if I feel they will get to the answer we need. While I can do predictive readings, the readings that I do here are meant to get a snapshot of what is going on with the client unconsciously, and what influences are affecting their life at the moment. It is used as a stepping stone to uncovering the emotional or mental core of the issue. If a person has a chronic physical issue, we can use the cards to figure out where they should focus their treatment efforts. 


Reiki Sessions with Essential Oils: Reiki therapy is always used, regardless of the type of issue, as Reiki works holistically to heal issues with the body, mind, and spirit. At the very least Reiki provides a deep relaxation, which relieves stress and helps clear the mind. At the most, it can literally provide physical healing of a particular ailment, though this doesn’t usually happen with just one session. I cannot promise total physical healing of an ailment, as Reiki energy goes where it’s needed; the practitioner is only a channel for the energy. Emotional issues also take time to heal; what Reiki tends to do is to bring those issues to the surface, so that they can be worked on and healed. The essential oils work as a supplement to the Reiki, and I use these both for in-person and distance sessions. There is a core set of oils that I use on the feet (if desired by the client in-person, or I do them on a surrogate if I’m giving distance Reiki) that balance out the body’s energy field. I will add other oils based on the initial “scan” I do of the person’s issues. If I see that the person’s emotional centers are blocked, I will use specific oil blends on those areas designed for the release of emotional distress. I only use Young Living oils and oil blends in my sessions.


Follow Up and Assessment: After the first session, we can get a sense of how many more sessions the person will need to continue the healing process, and we can set up a schedule that works. I may recommend the person use certain oils or stones to help maintain their energy balance, and I may also recommend certain follow-up tasks, including meditation, journaling, tracking your dreams, or doing cognitive exercises to help break certain patterns or habits. It is also likely that we will do some kind of self-assessment exercise to help the person figure out where they are now, and where they need to go. 


**Please note that these approaches are meant to supplement traditional medicine and therapy, not to replace it. Those with serious mental or physical issues should absolutely be consulting with a doctor or therapist. 


For those who don’t feel they need the whole process, I also offer Tarot sessions and Reiki sessions individually. 


Book a session with me and let’s get started.